A Magnetist Dreams of Universal Healing
Single-channel video
1920 px x 1080 px
1:26 min
A Magnetist’s Dream of Universal Healing imagines a satellite remote sensing the subtle magnetic fluids circulating amongst heav
ens, earth and living things.
In 1779, Franz Anton Mesmer declared his discovery of “animal magnetism,” a “universal agent” with magnetic qualities subtly flowing
through all of nature. In the same year, An anonymous Jesuit mis
sionary brought Chinese concepts of yin-yang into Enlightenment
France, documenting its hydraulic vision of the body maintaining a
balance of energy.
Joseph Marie Amiot, a missionary based in Beijing, believed that Chinese natural philosophy could guide European
While Mesmerism was quickly discredited by chemists, Amiot continued trying to bring Daoist philosophy into Enlightenment France.
He outlined a plan to form a secret society, Order of the Universal
Figure, that would unite European science with Chinese natural philosophy.
What if Mesmerist magnetism is a real scientific mechanism? What
if Amiot’s secret society came to fruition? What if the intellectual
products of the Enlightenment are turned upside down? A magnetist
may dream of a hydraulic planet-body, a jade satellite orbiting the
earth to perform remote healing.
Lavender Town, curated by Miles Peyton and Cori Cannavino