The Inner Carbon Classic (2024). 3D Game + Animation Film.

Biotopy (2024). Bio-digital Interface, Game Installation, Writing.

A Magnetist Dreams of Universal Healing (2024). Video.

Micronaut Odyssey (2024). Video.

Tale of the Mammoth Goddess (2023). Video.

A Tiny Museum of Mammoth Technology (2023). Solo show. Hurley Gallery, Princeton, NJ.

Wendi Yan is an artist and writer. She most often uses CGI software to simulate alternative scientific progress through videos and games, and writes about the history and future of scientific discovery.

25.5-6 Upcoming group shows: Slash Gallery (San Francisco), HEK (Basel), Samsung Vision Hall (Seoul), Hyundai Motorstudio (Beijing). EXHIBITION
25.6.4 Talk at NEW INC DEMO Festival, with Darren Zhu TALK
25.4.23 Screening of Phainoterra films, MIT Museum, with Berggruen Institute EXHIBITION
25.4.22 Artist talk, Rutgers Design Lecture Series TALK
25.3.19 Artist talk, NYU Shanghai TALK
25.3.11 Year-end talk, Steve Jobs Archive Fellowship,. Recorded at Skywalker Ranch in October 2024. TALK
25.3.9 “Bio-Digital Play”, with Will Freudenheim, lightning talk at SeedAI House at SXSW, Austin TALK
25.3.2 “Kevin Peter He, Wendi Yan, Alice Bucknell: Cinematic Engine,” Now Instant Image Hall, Los Angeles EXHIBITION
25.2.8 Design in Rising Winds, research atlas by Flora Weil, M+ Museum and Design Trust EXHIBITION
25.2.3 “Wendi Yan, Artist”, APOSSIBLE Interviews, New York INTERVIEW
25.1.20 Alum interview with Princeton’s History Department INTERVIEW
25 Cosmic Arclight, BAM, Shanghai RESIDENCY
24.12.31 “GAME OM,” TANK, ShanghaiEXHIBITION
24.11.15 Essay on Biotopy published in Interplay, Caldo WorldwidePUBLICATION
24.11.2 “Labour, Choices, and Intention: AI & Art Through Two Texts, 劳动,选择,意图:从两篇文章聊人工智能艺术,” conversation at Assembly 拆东西研究所, Beijing (virtual) TALK
24.10.26“Biotopy (game)“, NEW INC Creative Science Dinner #4: Rewilding, New York EXHIBITION
24.10.25Lavender Town, HEART 442 Broadway, New YorkEXHIBITION
24.10.19 “Tale of the Mammoth Goddess” screening at Cinema Village, Science New Wave Festival, New York EXHIBITION
24.9.22 “Cyborg Horizons”, group show, Evaristo Valle Museum, Spain
24.9.14 Gray Area Festival 10, San Francisco SPEAKING
24-25 NEW INC Y11 Creative Science Track, New York RESIDENCY
24.9-12 Eyebeam Residency, New York RESIDENCY
24.9 MESH Studio, Digital Architecture Lab, Tokyo GRANT
24.8.26 The 6th VH Award (Finalist), Hyundai Motor Group, Seoul AWARD
24.6.8 “Deus, Sex, Machina”, group show, Artifice, New YorkEXHIBITION
24.5.28 “Mammoth Technology: Worlding R&D Aesthetics”, Trust. SPEAKING
24.5 Prototypes for the Philosophy of Technology Grant, Cosmos Ventures, San Francisco GRANT
24.5 Summer of Protocols, Ethereum FoundationGRANT
24.4.9 “Discovering an Antimalarial Drug in Mao’s China”, Asimov Press PUBLICATION
24.3.28 Networked Worlds Memo, WeTransfer and Co-Matter PUBLICATION
24.3.22Unfiguring: Experiments in Art and Science, Harvard University, Cambridge SPEAKING
24.3.15“Dear Beings”, group show, Last Projects, Los Angeles EXHIBITION
23.11.4 “A Mammoth Gathering,” X Virtual,  X Museum, Beijing (virtual) TALK
23.9.18”The Steve Jobs Archive announces the first recipients of its creative fellowship,” Wallpaper PRESS
